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中英双语故事 为什么我总是考不了班里的第一名?(转载)

中英双语故事 为什么我总是考不了班里的第一名?

For long, a little boy was wondering why his next-desk-pal could rank 1st in the class

whenever he wanted to, whereas he himself failed to: he only ranked 21st.

  有个孩子对一个问题一直想不通:为什么他的同桌想考第一一下子就考了第一八大员考不了还能考什么 ,而自己想考第一却只考

  了全班第二十一名八大员考不了还能考什么 ?

  At home, he asked his Mom, “Mom, am I more stupid than others? I feel I am as obedient and

  as careful as him, but how come I always lag behind? "Hearing the words, Mom was aware that

  her son began to gain amour-propre, which was now being undermined by the ranking system.

  Staring at him, she went wordless, not knowing how to explain.

  回家后他问道:“妈妈我是不是比别人笨?我觉得我和他一样听老师的话八大员考不了还能考什么 ,一样认真地做作业,可是,

  为什么我总比他落后?”妈妈听了儿子的话八大员考不了还能考什么 ,感觉到儿子开始有自尊心了,而这种自尊心正在被学校的

  排名伤害着八大员考不了还能考什么 。她望着儿子,没有回答,因为她也不知道怎样回答。

  In another test, the son ranked 17th, while his pal remained 1st. Back home, he raised the

中英双语故事 为什么我总是考不了班里的第一名?(转载)

  same question. Mom really wanted to inform her son that intelligence differs, which means

  that students ranking 1st are supposed to be cleverer than normal ones. However, was this

  disillusioning answer the one that her son was constantly curious about? Thank goodness she

  did not open her mouth.

  又一次考试后,孩子考了第十七名,而他的同桌还是第一名八大员考不了还能考什么 。回家后,儿子又问了同样的问题。她真想

  说,人的智力确实有三六九等,考第一的人,脑子就是比一般的人灵八大员考不了还能考什么 。然而这样的回答,难道是孩子真

  想知道的答案吗?她庆幸自己没说出口八大员考不了还能考什么 。

  How to answer her son’s question? There were times she felt an impulse to equivocate,

  “You are too lazy. You are not as industrious as others…” but she stopped when

  envisioning her son suffering from the pains of unsatisfied grades and rankings. She

  thought it cruel to inflict any additional burden on his son and was trying to find out a

  perfect answer.

  应该怎样回答儿子的问题呢?有几次八大员考不了还能考什么 ,她真想重复那几句被上万个父母重复了上万次的话——你太贪玩

  了;你在学习上还不够勤奋;和别人比起来还不够努力……这样来搪塞儿子八大员考不了还能考什么 。然而,像她儿子这样脑袋不

  够聪明八大员考不了还能考什么 ,在班上成绩不甚突出的孩子,平时活得还不够辛苦吗?所以她没有那么做,她想为儿子的问题

  找到一个完美的答案八大员考不了还能考什么 。

  Time elapsing swiftly, the son finished primary school. Despite studying harder and better,

  he was still unable to keep up with his pal. To show her pride of him, Mom decided to take

  him to the sea. During the trip, she managed to give out an answer.

  儿子小学毕业了八大员考不了还能考什么 ,虽然他比过去更加刻苦,但依然没有赶上他的同桌,不过与过去相比,他的成绩一直

  在提高八大员考不了还能考什么 。为了对儿子的进步表示赞赏,她带他去看了一次大海。就是在这次旅行中,这位母亲回答了儿

  子的问题八大员考不了还能考什么 。

  Now, the son no longer worries about his rankings, and there are no longer boring guys who

  would inquire his rankings in primary school, because, with the 1st ranking, he is accepted

  by Tsinghua University. Back home in winter vacation, he was invited to address the

  students and parents in his high school. In the speech, he mentioned an valuable experience

  in his childhood, “…When my mother and I was lying on the beach, she pointed to the front

  and said, ‘Do you see the seabirds scrambling for food over there? When the waves come

  near, little birds can rise quickly while “clumsy” sea-gulls would take more time to

  complete the process. However, have you noticed birds that finally fly across the endless

  ocean are none other than “clumsy” sea-gulls?’” The moving speech provoked many mothers

  present into tears, including his mother.

  现在这位做儿子的再也不担心自己的名次了八大员考不了还能考什么 ,也再没有人追问他小学时成绩排第几名,因为他去年以全

  校第一名的成绩考入了清华八大员考不了还能考什么 。寒假归来时,母校请他给同学及家长们做一个报告。其中他讲了小时候的

  一段经历:“我和母亲坐在沙滩上八大员考不了还能考什么 ,她指着前面对我说,你看那些在海边争食的鸟儿,当海浪打来的时

  候八大员考不了还能考什么 ,小灰雀总能迅速地起飞,它们拍打两三下翅膀就升入天空;而海鸥总显得非常笨拙,它们从沙滩飞

中英双语故事 为什么我总是考不了班里的第一名?(转载)

  入天空总要很长时间;然后,真正能飞跃大海横过大洋的还是它们八大员考不了还能考什么 。”这个报告使得很多母亲流下了眼

  泪,其中包括他自己的母亲八大员考不了还能考什么 。
